NEXRAD Radar KENX status: Active [last data 0:07:08 h:m:s ago]
as of Sat, 15-Feb-2025 3:54am EST

NWS WSR-88D Transmit/Receive Status

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GRLevel3 Local Radar: Base Reflectivity 0.5°

The date is currently Feb 15, 2025. The time is 0856 Zulu.

The above images were produced by GRLevel3 software using NWS Radar and data from Allison House.
GRLevel3 is a product of GRLevelX. -- Animation by HAniS ©2014-2025 by Tom Whittaker
Script by SE Lincoln Weather -- NWS Alerts Map and Current Legend

Storm Cell Attribute Table for Albany, New York (KENX) Radar

Retrieved: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 03:56:03 -0500; Data valid day:  15; Data valid time:  0845Z  (Refresh)
Storm Ident Az/Ran TVS
POSH POH Max Size VIL Max dBZ Height Top Fcst Mvmt
No Thunderstorms in Range of Radar Site
Total number of storm cells on radar:  0;  Number of storm cells on table:  0 Introduction Switch to Text
Algorithms produce this table.  They may misrepresent observed conditions.

This table has been made possible using scripts written by Jordan Gerth.  Obtain these scripts for your web site.